Schema for Sharing on LinkedIn and Pinterest As mentioned, Open Graph tags are read by Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Most of the social networks recognize and support Open Graph as a default standard when it comes to social markup. But there is another solution for Pinterest and LinkedIn that is schema markup. To use schema markup to customize the title, description and image associated with your LinkedIn or Pinterest, the social meta tags look like this:<html itemscope itemtype=””><meta itemprop=”name” content=”Blog Post Title”> <meta itemprop=”description” content=”
This a description of blog post”>Again, this schema markup will go in the HTML code associated with your post right before the closing head tag, </head>. You can validate your schema markup using the Google Structured Data Testing Tool. Read more Cork Bicycle shop on using schema and structured markup to improve how your content is displayed in our technical SEO and schema markup guides. Social Media Promotion with Meta Tags Start thinking of your social media content like social advertising. Strategic social markup for enhanced distribution is everything in today’s dynamic digital landscape.
The key to maximizing your social distribution is to control the way your content is displayed in feeds rather than letting Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms pull content from the page for you. By optimizing the meta tags that control social media content, you can craft messages about your blog post geared toward the distinct audiences you have on each social network. Much like page title tags and meta description tags help boost organic search engine rankings, social meta tags are elements in your HTML that boost social exposure, increase social media traffic and improve click-through rates. For additional help crafting more informative meta tags, be sure to check out our advice on how to use keywords in SEO.