We all know that search traffic accounts for a large proportion of website traffic, but there may be some secrets behind it that you haven't noticed yet.
Google's core search engine captured 64.8% of searches on all major sites (including Amazon), while Google Images captured 21.8%.
Google Image Search has more share than you might think
Let me say this: Google Image Search accounts for 25.2% of all Google searches, which is 900% more than Bing searches.
Yet the industry devotes 99% or more email list of its resources and discussions to Google's core search product.
First, I want to avoid belittling people who don't take image search seriously. Google image search is not inherently as valuable as Google's core search; image search products are not very friendly to generating click-through rates, and searchers looking for images are already less likely to click through. User intent is harder to get, usually has a higher bounce rate, and may not even be related to your industry.
So I would like to clarify why we didn't spend more time talking about image search.
However, I also want to be clear: we shouldn't ignore what 25% of Google searchers are doing. Of course, there are ways to take advantage of this neglected search market.